
New website launch!

We’re delighted to launch our brand spanking new website! There are loads of reasons we’ve updated our website and thought we’d share some of them.

  1. Updated messaging. The messaging on the old website was aimed at what we thought Tickd was going to be before we launched in September 2020. The reality is, Tickd is very different no to what we thought we were going to be! Since our launch in 2020, we’ve now know our product market fit and we’re clearer about who we are and who our ideal customer is.
  1. Different techology. Our old website was built using Angular. This might be great for an App but is not ideal for a website. It was difficult to keep updated and made us difficult to find on search engines.
  2. A Website should never stand still. Websites and brands are ever evolving. By the time you’ve launched a website it’s out of date and so it’s essential that you keep them fresh.
  3. Flexibility. The new website we have built is linked to a Content Management System. This means we can make updates without needing to bother our Software Engineers. This allows them to concentrate on improving our platform rather than getting distracted by simple website changes.
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