
Dylan - A few months into Tickd. What's it like?

Dylan did this Q&A to help provide an insight into Tickd behind the scenes. This is useful for prospective employees, but also for our partners to know that our customer centric, tech-first approach to automated energy switching goes beyond just corporate waffle on our website and is important to us every single day.

What are you first impressions of Tickd?

Tickd is a simple and innovative company. Tickd prides itself on being transparent and honest and doing things differently with its partners in order to offer them a great service. The Tickd values I read on their website prior to joining are lived and breathed on a day to day basis.

Coming into a small tight knit team, I quickly knew what was expected and was quickly making an impact on the business. 

What did you do in your first week?

My first week was an eye opener, I got to learn how the business runs and exactly what my role would be day to day. I travelled to the Nottingham office and had the opportunity to meet the other members of the Tickd team. This enabled me to do in person training rather than solely relying on video calls. I was quickly given some basic tasks so that I could add value, without being overwhelmed. These slowly got more complex. As Tickd is growing very quickly every day is different and it’s an exciting place to be.

How busy are you?

As Tickd is growing so quickly the whole team is always busy, keeping up with daily duties and other ad hoc tasks to ensure everything is running smoothly and efficiently.

More sales come through daily which means theres more work that comes with them, tasks such as ensuring that all sales are processed correctly and all actions of solutions are carried out for the few with issues.

To put our growth in perspective, we have done three times the number of contracts in the first half of 2023 as in the whole of 2022.

What did you do before joining Tickd and is it transferrable?

I was a billing analyst prior to starting my current role as a customer service representative. I was able to gain a vast amount of knowledge at my previous job which also in the energy sector. That experience has helped me pick up things much more quickly.

Working with spreadsheets and having the ability to navigate my way around Microsoft excel has also proven to be very useful. Self motivation is also vital for myself and the team. We all work remotely and so there is a lot of trust involved, we all individually play a vital part in the inner workings of the business and our roles all contribute to us giving our customers the best service possible.

How often do we go to the office?

We now have office space in 2 locations Nottingham and Birmingham, which we alternative between. We are in the office once every month as a whole team and every now and then if there is something important going on, we will get together again. We tend to use the office days to go through some big ticket items but also go out for lunch to bring the team together. Whilst remote working has it’s benefits, coming together regularly is still really important.

What is the Future of Tickd?

I see a bright future for Tickd and hope to grow with the business personally. The innovative tech developments our IT team is working on are heavily focused on ensuring our customers have a smooth journey, and are fully informed on every aspect of the switching journey. I have seen Tickd 2.0 that they are working on and hope to release in Autumn and it is groundbreaking! We’re clearly doing something right now based on our growth, I cannot wait to see the response from our customers when they see the stuff we’re working on in the background. Onwards and upwards!

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