Cookies Policy

(Version 1, 26th May 2020)

WelcomeThank you for choosing Tickd.If you need to get in touch with us, please use any contact method on the Tickd Website, or contact us by email at
About TickdThis document is published by Tickd Ltd, referred to as “Tickd, we, us or our” in this document.We are a company registered in England and Wales.Our company registration number is 11940271.Our registered office is at 4th Floor, Regent House, 50 Frederick Street, Birmingham, West Midlands, England, B1 3HR
About This DocumentThis document sets out the cookies policy of Tickd with respect to the Tickd Website (the “Tickd Cookies Policy” or the “policy”).This is Version 1 of our policy dated 12th May 2020.It is addressed to any visitors to the Tickd Website (referred to as “you” or “your”).THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT INTENDED TO CREATE ANY CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS.
About the Tickd WebsiteThe “Tickd Website” is a website at that enables persons to obtain comparison quotes from suppliers of products and services who have partnered with the Tickd Website, and facilitates supply contracts with the partner supplier who provided the winning quote.
The Laws We Comply WithThis policy maintained for the purposes of Section 6 of the The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 (the “cookies law”).The law requires that we shall not store or gain access to information stored, on your computer without meeting the requirements of Section 6.For instance, storage could be by means of cookies, or local storage enabled by your browser.For instance, access could be by means of using our server to record the pages you visit, and using software in our webpages to monitor where you move your mouse and what you click on.The first requirement is that we must give you information about what we are doing. That is the function of this policy.The second requirement is that you must give your consent. That is the function of the banner which you see when you visit our page. You are assumed to have given consent by either clicking on that banner or continuing to use the Tickd Website. We may use a cookie to store your consent in your browser for future reference.
Our RegulatorOur local regulator for the purposes of the cookies law is the Information Commissioner for England and Wales.See: 
Our Right to Change This PolicyWe shall be entitled to vary and amend this policy at any time and from time to time, by updating it in the Tickd Website, or by email to you, or by general notice placed in your account home page.
IntroductionThis section sets out details of the cookies and other technologies we use at the date of this policy.
Google AnalyticsWe use Google Analytics.See: use this to gain insight into, among other things, visitor flows, traffic sources and page views on our website.If you wish to avoid this tracking, you can customize the settings of your browser so that it refuses cookies.The information is typically stored anonymously.A range of cookies are stored to link your computer (not you personally) to the usage of the Tickd Website.The cookies collect information in a way that does not directly identify anyone, including the number of visitors to the website and blog, where visitors have come to the website from and the pages they visited.These include:a temporary cookie to identify your computer for the period of your visit;a longer term cookie to remember your computer when you next visit;cookies used to manage the flow of usage data to Google’s system.
Google Tag ManagerWe also use Google Tag ManagerSee: .See: Analytics operates largely at a whole page level (have you visited a page etc).We use this in the same way as Google Analytics, to gain insight into, among other things, visitor flows, traffic sources and page views on our website, at a more granular level : looking at specific parts of a web page and specific actions you take on them.Google Tag Manager supplements this by using JavaScript (see below) to monitor how you access and use individual elements of a page, to provide more granular usage information.JavaScript can detect events on a page, such as a click or a scroll.Google Tag Manager enables us to listen to those events on individual elements of your web page (called tags), such as when you click a button to submit a form, or when you scroll down a page and how far.It enables us to capture data about those events and send it immediately back to a server.As with Google Analytics the data is used by us in an anonymised form,
Amazon PixelWe also use Amazon PinpointSee: Pinpoint is used for marketing campaigns and emails, including through third parties.You may receive emails, adverts or other communications that contain links to the Tickd Website.The link to the Tickd Website may have a unique identifier associated with it in the “query string” part of the link,That query string identifier may associate the email, advert or other communication with a particular advertiser, affiliate, campaign or style of communication.When you visit our website through the link, your browser passes the link back to our server, including the unique identifier.This is then passed on to Amazon Pinpoint, who help us analyse the results.The ID may be associated with a particular marketing campaign or advertiser, and we use it to see how successful they have been.The ID may be associated with a particular style of communication, and we may use it to vary the style of our communications to see what leads to more people clicking on the link.,
Site ManagementWe use local storage (see information in the next section) to store whether or not you have seen and agreed to our cookies policy.We use session storage to store an ID related to your current visit, which our server uses to keep track of where you are in a particular journey (such as a quotation or offer journey).
This section gives you some general information about the cookies and other technologies that our site might use in general (referred to as storage and access technologies}.Cookies are by far the most common, which is why the policy is typically called a cookies policy.However, the law also regulates other related technologies as noted in this document.The section Cookies We Use sets out what storage and access technologies we use on The Tickd Website at the date of this document.
What are they?Cookies are tiny text files that your web browser enables our website to write to your computer or read from your computer.
UsageCookies are the primary means to store information on your computer for future use.
Where are they stored?Your browser has a folder on your hard drive that it uses to store all files downloaded for or created by a website.It is called your browser cache, and can be viewed through the settings in your browser.Our web pages can instruct your browser to save a cookie in that cache.Our web pages can instruct your browser to read a cookie previously saved in the cache.
What is stored in them?They can store any textual data we like, up to a maximum size.
How do they work?When your browser connects to our server to request a web page, it automatically includes a copy of any previously set cookies in the request file it sends to us.When our server sends a response back, it can include in that response an instruction to your browser to store a cookie.Also, if we use any JavaScripts in our web pages, the JavaScript can directly set and retrieve cookies and send the information back to our server.This is very old and well established technology.
Can I stop them?Yes, though the settings in your web browser, you can easily control the cookies that we can store on your computer. It may mean however, that some features do not work.We may also provide a page in our website itself that lets you control what cookies are stored. We do not do this at present.
There are other technologies in your web browser that could be used to gain access to information on your computer or store information on your computer. We do not currently use these technologies for any data access or storage purposes and will update this policy if we start to do so.They are mentioned for information only.
JavaScriptJavaScript is a sophisticated computer programming language that your browser can run.It is either embedded in a web page file (an HTML file), or stored in a linked file with the extension “.js”.It is primarily used as follows (which is how we use it currently):-(a) to animate and otherwise make the Tickd Website function, to validate user input, and to store and read cookies, ;(b) to support the cookies and other technologies we use as described above.It can send information back to a web server silently, but has limited access to your computer for security reasons (it operates in what is known as a sandbox).It can be used to read mouse movements, key presses and other user input, usually to animate the website, but this could be used to capture how you use the website and send this back to a server for analysis.  We do not use JavaScript for this purpose except as part of Google Tag Manager.It can be used to access and control the storage options below.It is possible to switch it off in your browser settings.
Web StorageAs well as cookies, your browser enables a web page to store larger (but not unlimited) amounts of information on your computer.The main technologies are the following., to store simple data in a key / string format, in a closed area accessible only by your browser.  These are split into “localStorage” (lasts from one website visit to the next) and “sessionStorage” (deleted when your visit ends). to store data in a local browser based database, in a closed area accessible only by your browser. for more advance file access and reading (but not writing), and subject to you taking some action to approve such file access case by case.This can be used through JavaScript in the same way as cookies, or for more advanced data storage (such as game data).We currently use web storage as noted above for operating our website.It is possible to switch them off in your browser settings.
Flash and Java AppletsYou may have installed in your browser third party add-ins, such as Flash and Java Applets, and browser extensions.These provide a wider range of access to and storage of data on your computer.We do not currently use these technologies.You can uninstall these if you are not sure.
Web BeaconsA web beacon is a simple blank image file that is included as part of a web page.A web server can tell simply that it has been downloaded, and from this that the website has been visited.We may use these as part of Google Tag Manager.They are very old technology.
Essential and Non-EssentialThese cookies and other technologies are typically described as either “essential” or “non-essential”.Essential technologies are those we need to use, such as cookies to store details of your active visit session to enable our server to keep a track of your session, log-in details to save you having to log-in again on a future, and shopping cart contents.Non-essential technologies are those on which the website’s functioning does not depend, but we wish to use for improvement and monitoring purposes.We do not need to give you information about essential cookies or technologies that we use, but we may volunteer to do so.
First Party or Third PartyThese cookies and other technologies are typically described as either “first party” or “third party”.First party is a technology we are using for our own purposes.Third party is a cookie or other technology which our website enables a third party to store in your browser. For instance if our website carries adverts from third party advertisers, those adverts might store a unique value on your computer which they use to customise the adverts you see.Currently we only use first party cookies and technologies.
End – Tickd Cookies Policy